tirsdag den 8. februar 2011

Crazy Good Love Song

So yesterday i discovered a new band, Robbie Seay Band, because of the DOOl (Days Of Out Lives) February 2011 promo.

There was this song playing on it and it was so fucking good, just from that preview.

And guess what?? The rest of the songs are real nice too, but my favourite, as on DOOL "Crazy Lo oo ove"!!!! yes, so good. (Sorry for the little dragging out Love part, but that is how they sing it in the song :D)

fredag den 10. september 2010

No Hard Feelings To English People

You know what? I normaly doesn´t have a problem with, english accents. But really, when some people sound like they are trying to make an english, while making english accent, you kind of want to laugh and hit the person, and tell them that it sound so fake.

Trust me, really i don't normally have a problem with accent's. My uncle is actually an englishman and we are close, but i suddenly became very aware of how many people in my english class who used English accent. Then of course there is my old class, and the total of people there who used an english accent is = 0. So i never really notice a fake, to much trying to be a right english accent, type until now.

Uhh and i just saw the season premiere of my Fav, books and tv show The Vampire Diaries, and i can tell you that Damon's ego has got to hurt BIG TIME in this episode.

torsdag den 9. september 2010

My Apologies For All The Richards In The World, And A Speciel Visit From Miss Mary Mack

So i was just wondering, what makes people give a guy named Richard the nickname Dick??? That is just weird, you know. I SOO don´t understand that, it is like an insult.

Just so you know I really feel for you if your name is Richard and your nickname is Dick, because then you just don't know when people is making fun of you. :D Sorry to all Richard's and Dick's in the world!

So have just read White Is For Magic By Laurie Faria Stolarz, and it had this twisted version of Miss Mary Mack, and i don´t know i just kind of liked it. Check it out:

"Miss Mary Mack, Mack, Mack. All dressed in black, black, black. She has a knife, knife, knife, stuck in her back, back, back. She cannot breathe, breathe, breathe. She cannot cry, cry, cry. That's why she begs, begs, begs. She begs to die, die, die."

So of course i went on youtube, and look what i found, just to bad it hasn´t been made with a child singing it, because that could have been great!!!

onsdag den 8. september 2010


OMG, so sick of being sick. I am watching The Secret Life Of The American Teenager, and anyway, what is up with that show? The way they talk and repeat each other, it is just not natural. It is fucking annoying, but anyway i just keep watching it...which is weird, but who cares!!!!

Nyway i cant wait for thuesday when Personal Demon By Lisa Desrochers. I can´t fuking wait!! :D

Anyway i just love love love the cover for that book, isn´t it amazing???